segunda-feira, maio 22, 2006

Tomorrow we'll see

Tomorrow we'll see
The streets are wet
The lights have yet
To shed their darkened luster on the scene

My skirt's too short
My tights are run
These new heels are killing me

A second pack of cigarettes
It's a slow night, but there's time yet
Here comes the john from his other life
He may be driving to his wife
But he slowed down, take a look
I've learned to read them just like books
It's already half past ten
But they'll be back again

Head lights in a rainy street
I checked, made sure it's not the heat
I wink, I smile, I wave my hand
He stops, he seems to understand
A small transaction we must meet
I tell him that my heart will break
If he's not a generous man
I step into his van

They say the first's the hardest trick
But after that it's just a matter of logic
They have the money I have the time
Being pretty's my only crime
Ask what future do I see
I say it's really up to me
I don't need forgiving
I'm just making a living

Don't judge me
You could be me in another life
In another set of circumstances

Don't judge me
One more night
I'll just have to take my chances
For tomorrow we'll see

A friend of mine, he wound up dead
His dress is stained with color red
The next of kin, no fixed abode
Another victim on this road
The police just carted him away
But someone took his place next day
He's home by Thanksgiving
But not with the living

Don't judge me
You could be me in another life
In another set of circumstances

Don't judge me
One more night
I'll just have to take my chances

I know it's just not in my plan
For someone to care who I am

I walk in the streets for money
It's the business of love, hey honey, come on!
Don't leave me lonely, don't leave me sad
I'll be the sweetest five minutes you'll ever have

Don't judge me
You could be me in another life
In another set of circumstances

Don't judge me
One more night
I'll just have to take my chances
And tomorrow we'll see


segunda-feira, maio 15, 2006

LIKE Men and Women shadows walk
Upon the hills today,
With here and there a mighty bow,
Or trailing courtesy
To Neighbors, doubtless, of their own; 5
Not quickened to perceive
Minuter landscape, as Ourselves
And Boroughs where we live.

Emily Dickinson

domingo, maio 07, 2006

IF I should die,
And you should live,
And time should gurgle on,
And morn should beam,
And noon should burn,
As it has usual done;
If birds should build as early,
And bees as bustling go,—
One might depart at option
From enterprise below!
’T is sweet to know that stocks will stand
When we with daisies lie,
That commerce will continue,
And trades as briskly fly.
It makes the parting tranquil
And keeps the soul serene,
That gentlemen so sprightly
Conduct the pleasing scene!

Emily Dickinson
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